The VMT Training is a deep experiential process which integrates an extensive exploration of one’s own voice with practice and theory in order to strengthen one’s sense of self and also to provide a solid foundation for those who wish to go on to qualify as Professional Practitioners.
Voice Movement Therapy Training
The VMT Training is an intense and demanding program which combines creative and therapeutic work through individual on-the-floor exploration and instruction within an evolving group context. It consists of an experiential on-site program, followed by a supervisory period of working with both individuals and groups for those who wish to qualify for professional registration with the IAVMT.
This Training grounds individuals in a very particular way of expanding the parameters of their voices and enabling others, whatever their level of verbal skill or accomplishment, to increase their expressive and communicative ability. The training is competence- and content-based, requiring both practical and intellectual understanding and demonstration of the core principles and theoretical underpinnings of VMT, and the presentation and performance of creative work. Those who complete both the experiential and qualifying portions of the training are eligible to apply to the International Association for Voice Movement Therapy for acceptance as Registered VMT Practitioners (VMTR).
The current 2024 training is led by Director of Training Christine Isherwood, assisted by Lerina Van Rensburg, with noted guest teacher Melanie Harrold. The Training is conducted in different countries in different years both in the USA and abroad, and it is anticipated that over the next 5 years additional trainings with new leaders and teachers in various parts of the world will come into being as this work continues to grow and expand.
VMT Virtually: Working through a Pandemic
by Anne Brownell and Nathan Bean
The adjacent video gives a glimpse of how the teachers and students of the Voice Movement Therapy Training, begun in 2019, continued to pursue and deepen their work together on-line while looking forward to meeting and completing their program in reality. It covers the period from April-November 2020 and was made with iMovie from 26 Zoom recordings. This Training was completed by the teachers and students together in person in October 2022
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