Singing & Drumming, A Way To Remember Good Times, by Trish Watts

For several years before Covid and lockdowns, I had the incredible opportunity to sing, dance, and tell stories with Afghani women at STARTTS, Australia. Initially, I volunteered my services to reduce stress through connection and play. As a trained Voice Movement Therapy Practitioner I was truly interested in these beautiful, soulful women and their experiences. How did they survive war? How do they get through each day? Did they still sing and dance?

After many cups of mint tea and salted chickpeas, I invited them (through a translator) to share a song that they could remember…perhaps from childhood or as a teenager. Threads of songs gradually rose from deep in the memory banks of childhoods that were healthy and full of culture. Songs about apple trees & black olive shaped eyes.

I noticed to my surprise that some of the women started to hit the table with their hands in time with the song. Now this was no ordinary banging the table, it was a type of ‘slapping’, a technique used for playing hand drums. Some of these women were experienced drummers! I turned to the translator (who spoke Farsi and happened to be their psychiatrist) and said ‘We need drums for these women!!’ She got it!

The following week I was allocated some donated funds and I purchased drums.

It was an exciting turning point for the group. It gave them confidence, to be led by the musicians in the group who could remember certain drum beats that held the songs together. Hearing these women singing out loud, dancing up storms and playing these drums each week was empowering and healing. Song after song emerged, all in Farsi, and joy started to bubble up from a time long ago, when life was sheltered, familiar and free. For a few moments, there was no war, no disunity, no terror; only surprised delight.

I love these women, who I haven’t seen in some time, due to Covid restrictions and the ban on singing which is only just lifting in our country after 2 years. However, in my imagination I see them singing in circles of peace filled with the love of Persian poetry, and my whole being lights up….I feel human again.

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March 14 2022